The history
The Nobel family was a prominent industrial family during the latter part of the 19th century. The three brothers Alfred, Ludwig and Robert Nobel all had outstanding creative ingenuity and together they built a significant and extensive influence in a variety of industires, especially in chemistry and engineering. With their extraordinary creative ingenuity, Alfred Nobel, together with his brothers and other family members, built an extensive business emprie that included the manufacture of explosives, weapons, oil and other chemical products. Their business activites had a significant impact on industrial development in the 19th and 20th centuries. Parallel to Alfred Nobel´s remarkable success building his own empire, the two other brothers Ludwig and Robert Nobel, with much help from their brother Alfred, developed their oil dynasty based in Baku, Azerbaijan. They operated in the area for nearly 50 year, and the business, along with the Rothschild and Rockefeller families became the three families that controlled the oil industry at the time.
During their time, they developed and incredible pace in pushing forward more resource-efficient products and logistics in and around oil handing. They realized early on that the more they invested in healthcare and education-conerstones of today´s definition of sustainability for their employees, the better the business did. They later also instituted an annual award for outstanding progress in metallurgy and petroleum.

Immanuel Nobel
​Immanuel Nobel pioneered the development of underwater mines, designed some of the first steam engines to power Russian ships, installed the first central heating systems in Russian homes, and was the first to develop modern plywood, cut with a rotary lathe.
Ludvig Nobel
One of Immanuel Nobel's sons, Ludvig Nobel, was the founder of The Machine-Building Factory Ludvig Nobel, a great armaments concern and the inventor of the Nobel wheel.
Ludvig was also the founder of Branobel, the foremost Russian oil industry of its time, and launched the world’s first diesel-driven tugs, tankers, and U-boats, besides building the first European oil pipeline in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Alfred Nobel
Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, businessman, and philanthropist. He is best known for having bequeathed his fortune to establish the Nobel Prize, though he also made several important contributions to science, holding 355 patents in his lifetime.
Nobel's most famous invention was dynamite, a safer and easier means of harnessing the explosive power of nitroglycerin; it was patented in 1867 and was soon used worldwide for mining and infrastructure development.
Robert Nobel
Robert Hjalmar Nobel was a Swedish businessman, industrialist and investor. He was the founder of Branobel, and a pioneer in the Russian oil industry.
Robert Nobel was born in Maria Magdalena parish in Stockholm, Sweden, the eldest son of Karolina Andrietta Ahlsell and her husband Immanuel Nobel. He was the brother of Emil Oscar Nobel, Ludvig Nobel and Alfred Nobel.